Wood Storage Shed: The Smart Choice

If you are considering a shed, there are a lot of options available. Sheds come in all shapes and sizes from a myriad of materials for an equally broad range of tasks. Mostly gone are the days of the standard sheds where the lawnmower resided along with a few mixed tools, and perhaps some odds and ends that wouldn’t fit in the attic. Now sheds can appear as miniature palaces, with as much heating and ventilation as any home, occasionally with indoor plumbing. With so many options, there is often one kind that is clearly superior. For the best kind of shed, a wood storage shed is usually the most architecturally sound and reliable for storage year-round.

The reason for the superiority of the wood shed over many of the other materials is that it is both hardy as well as reasonably priced. You can choose a shed of plastic or metal, but both degrade rapidly when exposed to the weather, often developing leaks, and joints that are not seamless. Plastic can be entirely seamless, but easily cracked and often easy targets for vandals or susceptible to irreparable damage from hailstorms.

In addition to being inferior materials when speaking on the subject of weather resistance, it is also difficult to expect long life out of any material except wood because it is difficult to mount them into the ground. Many modern sheds need a solid foundation to stand up to wind and rain. Meteorology is an inexact science at best, and every year sees more and more alterations in the weather patterns of the world. With ice caps melting, typhoons striking populated areas annually, and untold changes in the future, having a shed that can be properly mounted for no additional cost seems only prudent. A wood storage shed is easily built around a frame of posts sunk into the ground and as such, much more likely to endure the storms of the future.

Wood is also a much more attractive substance than metal, plastic, fibreglass, vinyl, or any of the other materials that could be employed to serve as the structure of the shed. Most houses are made of wood, or have a wood like appearance. Wood is timeless and is very versatile. Even if you choose to cover the wooden substructure of the shed with another material, having a wood base is a decision that will help prolong the life of your shed indefinitely.

A wood storage shed is a wonderful place to start whether you intend it for simple gardening tools, or plan to turn it into something far more complex. It will blend wonderfully with whatever garden it is put in to, and can be a lovely addition that will last for years to come. If you avoid the pitfalls that come with other materials, you will find wood has greater suitability both for the simple, and the complex. It is less likely to develop problems down the road that require costly replacement, and can be more than a mere storage structure, but a source of beauty at your home.