Order Plants Early From Your Native Plant Nursery

The best native plant nursery will usually have plant stocks the whole year-round in anticipation of the changing demands throughout the year. But it still pays to order plants as early as possible in relation the plants’ growing season for the following reasons.

Best Selection

The early bird in a plant nursery has the luxury of choosing from the best selections mainly because the plants have not yet been picked through by others, so to speak. You will have plenty of opportunity to choose from among the first batches of plants that have arrived in the nursery display area.

Think of it this way: When you arrive at the tail-end of the rush, your selections will be limited to the cast-offs of other customers. This is not to say that many of the plant stocks are of inferior quality but you have to admit that the customers who came before you will want the best pickings for themselves.

Also, your native plant nursery can run out of stock quickly. If you can order or reserve early, you will not be frustrated with your lack of options in your desired plants.

Early Shipments

Because the rush to purchase plants for the coming growing season has yet to go into full swing, your orders will be shipped sooner than expected. The staff members of the plant nursery are not yet swamped with hundreds of orders from customers so your online orders can be processed faster than usual.

Possible Discounts

The law of supply and demand can apply here – the bulk of customers have yet to rush in, the supply outpaces the demand. You are then more likely to be granted your requests for discounts on your purchases, which will obviously work to your advantage.

Of course, the actual amount of discounts will depend on several factors such as the types, quality and quantity of plants bought. You may want to purchase in bulk to avail of bulk discounts or to enjoy free shipping on the plants.

Still, you must be careful when choosing the plants from a plant nursery even when you are an early bird. Tips:

• Check the catalog for full descriptions of the plant stock (i.e., type, care instructions, and cultivars)

• Check the plants’ hardiness level especially when you live in a colder area.

Indeed, your native plant nursery provides a valuable service to the community of gardeners and landscapers but you must be the early bird to enjoy its benefits.